Energetic Self Care

Energetic Self Care

We are taught from a very young age to care for our physical body. For example, we need to take a bath, wash our hands before eating, how to brush our teeth, wear clean clothing etc… We are, however, seldom taught to care for our energetic body. As least I don’t remember my parents ever mentioning that. I do remember my mom instilling fear in me about shadows that only us kids can see, way back I was a kid that is. No advice as to what to do if you see shadows moving in the dark or not so dark places. This complete ignorance and blatant stone-walling about things unseen is not unique in my family nor my race. A lot of cultures has this. It’s remnants of an old though system that only focus on physical reality. The physical properties of an object is only a fraction of the properties of an object. Just because you can not see something does not mean it’s not there. We can’t see radiation but we can definitely be affected by it. Sight is not a very reliable sense. Touch is not a very reliable sense either. What you can “touch” depends on the density of your body relative to the density of the energy you are interacting with.

Talk about using different elements to clear chakras aka our energy body.
Earth/Fire meditation to clear energy body
Second part of talk on how to use different clearing methods and how to clear relationship energy chords
Meditation to clear relationship energy chords.