Free To Dream

MARS! No seriously Sedona

I had a sit-down with a group of people last week and the topic was on outlandish dreams.  My outlandish dream is to travel the galaxies.  I love anything Stars, that is Star Trek (all the generations) and Star Wars (prequels and all the other related stuff which is quite extensive).  I was heavily influenced by a video I watched a while ago by Dan Winter in which he described advance beings from other planets travel around by using space-crafts that interface with the beings’ consciousness.  The ability to be in bliss is the major criteria to determine whether you have what it takes to be a pilot this kind of space-craft.  The state of being able to access bliss allows you to “travel” to dimensions and locations that only a consciousness craft can go.  Being able to tap into bliss and travel as a unit in oneness with a space-craft and other beings appeals to me on a deep level that no other ideas that I’ve ever come across has ever been able to affect me.  I don’t know if I would ever be able to do that in this life time and nevertheless, it is the outlandish dream that some how can get me out of bed when nothing else can.  As far as outlandish dreams go it is on the far out end even for “outlandish dreams”.

However, that’s not why I brought all this up.  What got me was listening to all the “outlandish dreams” that other people shared!  One third of the people in the group couldn’t even connect with dreaming let alone outlandish dreaming.  They have been conditioned to be practical and realistic to the point that they couldn’t even come up with any dream.  I was speechless and sad for them that their cultural conditioning has been so completely successful in rooting out any non-survival related activity such as “dreaming”.  Dreaming has been relegated to an activity that we do in our sleep only.  No wonder the world is the way it is, full of anxiety about not surviving, full of fear and full of lack.  Physiologically if we don’t get enough deep sleep that allows for dreaming we suffer neurological disorders.  I believe what we are seeing in the the world now is the manifestation of global neurological disorder due to lack of dreaming, more specifically “outlandish dreaming”.  I’m being more then a tad melodramatic of cause but I’m not joking entirely.  We have been following the same limited variation of life-scripts for so many decades even centuries that we stopped being outlandishly creative any more.  Not that there is any lack of new exploration frontiers but that we are conditioned to not go after things that we can’t achieve.  Achievement seemed to predicate upon having and getting material gains as trophies.  We have forgotten that there are far better ways of measuring achievement then having stuff; we can experience who we are being when we go after outlandish dreams.  Feeling bliss can not fill my stomach, imagining the “impossible” does not pay the mortgage, being in oneness consciousness does not solve global climate change (well the jury is not in on this one yet).  Our ability to dream without caring about whether we can create what we dream is to me what sets us apart as a specie.  We have the freedom to dream.  And when enough of us freely choose the same dream then perhaps it will not remain a dream for too long.  We will some how find a way to create that dream in reality, just like a group of us being able to sustain a state of bliss that will enable us to travel unhindered to galaxies and dimensions unknown in a consciousness vessel.  For all I know that is an outlandish dream right now but I come alive every time I review that dream and that gives me hope that some day it will become reality.  I can not wait to get to know who I would become when that happens.  For now I am just hosting a weekly Oneness group meditation.  Who knows may be that will be the group of people that will be traveling the galaxies with me one day.