Jan 31 2019

You Are Not Alone

We are not helpless beings set adrift on this planet alone fighting for survival. It may seem like that at times and the truth is far from this scenario. We are all individualized aspects of the same cosmic entity. On this epic journey of remembering who we are we play different roles for one another. You are not alone. You are always surrounded by helpers whose presence is to inspire you to take the next step in the direction that is most appropriate for your development without usurping your free will.

On the personal level we each have at least one spirit guide that helps us to navigate life. We don’t always know nor feel their presence. I remember the first time I met my spirit guide was during a guided group meditation. In my mind’s eye I saw this monk in a saffron colored robe and has a red cape draped over one shoulder. I felt so much love from him and I knew from then on that I was not alone any more.

We also get a lot of help on a planetary level. The grid-lines have been changing and they have been changing for a while already. New energy portals are being activated as the human collective is ready to shift. I would like to hi-light 5 portals that were activated in the last few months that are preparing all of us collectively to shift into the next phase of development. The Ghirona portal is to allow ancient wisdom to be available to us again. Ancient is not primitive. Far from it. This current civilization is not the only civilization on Earth. There have been ancient civilizations that have surpassed our current civilization in terms of technology and consciousness. Those of you who have the capacity to download the etheric blue-prints will benefit greatly from the energy of this portal. The Giverny portal is to raise our collective consciousness by providing us with inspiration and creativity. The twin portals of Odessa and Krackow have been activated to shift old programs and thought patterns. The newest portal is Cornwall. This portal ushers in galactic consciousness, it helps us remember that we are a piece of the creative source and that heaven and earth are states of consciousness. In short it reminds us that Heaven is on Earth.

These are just a fraction of the assistance that I’m aware of. Whatever it is that you need there is an answer out there already and all you need to do is ask for it. Don’t ask from a position of lack. Ask as though you know you already have what you are asking for and you are just giving the delivery instructions so that what you want will be delivered to you.

The meditation tonight is to tap into the energies of these 5 new portals and allow these new energies to ground in our body.