Oct 11 2017



Mother Earth is already fully integrated in the 5th Dimension.  It is us who has to follow her into the 5th Dimension or decide to stay back and move our play ground to another space time.  We have all made our choice already and what we are all experiencing now is the unfolding of our choice.  There is no sitting of the fence on this one.  Have I done all that I could to manifest my choice?  No, I have fallen short miserably from the point of my ego.  Yes, there is no mistake whatsoever from the point of my being.  Resolving this dichotomy is what I’m facing currently.

I have this psycho-drama that has been playing in my mind in numerous scenarios and I am at my wits end to resolve it.  I have this believe that for me to get what I want I have to deprive someone else of what they also want.  It was set up even before I was born.  My mother got involved with a married man, i.e. my father.  From that point onwards, all my love relationships have been tainted.  I am a middle child and I have countless memories of jockeying for my parents’ love.  Even before I got married I made sure I set up this triangle with my mother-in-law.   The program persists though the marriage did not.  I have been working on this program/belief for a long time and it’s deep rooted.  I decided to merge with this thought form in meditation today.  Come on in, let’s see what’s really inside this.  I invited it in and this thought form hurled insults on injury at me.  Thankyou for the experience.  I love you no matter what.  No matter what it shared with me I just keep appreciating all the interesting experiences I have had and am still having with this thought form.  I continued until I loss interest.  It’s not done yet though I’ve done all I can do today.  I allow it to unfold however it needs to unfold for the rest of the day.