Thoughts on Illness

Thoughts on Illness

I was re-reading Resurfacing by Harry Palmer.  He mentioned that illness is a form of success, more precisely success in failing.  In illness, especially debilitating illness, our body is attempting to “solve” our emotional and/or  mental problems by giving our ego mind an excuse.  I couldn’t succeed in doing whatever because of my illness.  It’s not my fault, it’s just that I’m too ill to do anything about it.  This also include “accidents” cause there are no accidents in consciousness.  I’m not saying that this is the case every time, I’m agreeing that there is some truth in this point of view and that when we approach healing ourselves and others we need to explore this facet of the “illness” as well as all the other aspects of an illness.

I remember the oncologist Ryke Hamer postulated that cancer is our body’s response to an existential crisis.  When Ryke’s son was recklessly slaughtered he developed cancer in his loin area.  When he recovered from that ailment he devoted himself to mapping out the type of  emotional/existential trauma his clients had to the the type of cancer they developed as a result of the trauma.  He found that there is corelation.  The point is that our body is not a separate entity from our thoughts nor our feelings.  They are extension of the same source.  To treat an illness as an isolated phenomena apart from the rest of our being is not the wisest course of action.  Richard Bartlett mentioned all the time during his Matrix Energetics seminars that “We don’t have a body, we have a body of information”.  I think both Ryke and Richard are pointing to the same phenomena, that our body is but the vissible touchable component of our thoughts, emotions and being.

Illness then is one of the warning system from our being.  We humans are notoriously adapt at fooling ourselves.  I shall not go into the expert ways in which we dupe ourselves day in day out, that can easily take up a novel.  Enough to say that we all have the psychic equivalent of a Winchester House in our own mind to make sure we don’t find out the truth of our own existence by mistake.  Illness then is a gift from some point of view.  If not for illnesses we would never have cause to pause and rethink our life.  I remember Larry Crane said in one of his recorded workshops that if you have pain in your body then you are living life from the level of the body.  We have a body but we are not our body.  Just like we have a car or a laptop but we are not either of those.  If we live our life just from the level of our body we are missing out on a very wide range of possibilities.  You will also be living blindsided and at the wimp of all the possibilities that you have refused to look at.  It is not wrong.  You are the creator of your own life and it’s your divine right to limit yourself however you choose.  But if you want to heal your illnesses you need to look beyond the level of your body.  You can not solve an issue at the level of thinking that it was created.