
Dear Friends, I came on this playground we call Earth to assist with the upgrade in energies that we are currently experiencing.  Even though I do a lot of behind the scenes energy work on the global level, my “Day Job” is a Fifth Dimension Coach (aka 5D Coach).  What the heck is a 5D Coach you may ask?  Humanity have been living/playing in Second and Third Dimension consciousness in the past 10,000 years.  The Human Collective has made a choice to graduate to Fifth Dimension consciousness in 1987. In 2019, the energetic support that had been instrumental in keeping our consciousness low have been shut down .  What we are witnessing now is how the Human Collective is clearing out 3D consciousness and integrating 5D consciousness.  3D Consciousness is matter/body/ego-I based consciousness. That does not mean we have no access to our soul, it is just that our soul does not play a big part in our life. We get glimpses of our soul and we have to really focus inorder to stay connected with our soul.  5D Consciousness is when our soul is in the center of our life and we become consciously aware that we are the creator of our life and experiences.  We have always been the creator of our life and experiences, even while we were in 2D and 3D, however we were not consciously aware of that fact.  A 5D Coach assist people to make this transition from 3D to 5D more smoothly.

Is there an aspect in your life that would benefit from some coaching? If there is, I invite you to book a no obligation, confidential and complimentary exploration session with me. During this session, we will explore your existing thinking on an aspect of your life that you are ready to transform and look at alternative mindset shifts that may help you change your approach and take actions to co-create a different set of possibilities and realities. I do this by guiding you conversationally and working on you energetically in the background as well. At the end of this complimentary session, if we both feel that it is beneficial to continue working together, we can discuss the details of how we can work together going forward.

I am a certified NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM Trainer.  I have extensive training in meditation and energy healing techniques.  Years of coaching and conducting wellness workshops in person and online.

If you are not already familiar with my work, please attend a live podcast details available here or listen to a previous Podcasts by clicking here to get familiar with the work I do and who I am.   When you are ready, use this link to book an exploration call with me.