Energy Playshop 23 Oct272022

Dear Friends, the topic for Energy Playshop 23 is Root Chakra Transformation. Root Chakra is our connection to Mother Earth and all the other playmates here on Earth. When the Root Chakra is choked up with energies that no longer serve us, we cannot live our best life no matter how hard we try. Transforming the Root Chakra is foundation work on our journey to grow our consciousness and this is our topic of exploration. Part 2 of Energy Playshop 23 is Implants removal process. The explanation of the process was towards to end of Part 1. This is one example of how to do an Implant removal yourself. This process can be used for Implants, Veils and Curse removal. In Part 3 of this Playshop, we continue to talk about the difference between the Inverted or False Matrix and the Organic Matrix. How do you know which of your thoughts and believes are from the False Matrix and which are from the Organic Matrix. We also explore how to dis-entangle ourselves from the False Matrix and transform our believes to be fully integrated with the Organic Matrix of Earth. In particular, tools presented in Playshop 15 is on removing programs and Playshop 19 is on merging the Central Meridian to the Kundalini. The last part is a meditation, a guided meditation to transform and recalibrate the Root Chakra to be vibrant and life confirming. Enjoy. Click here to access the audio only version on Anchor Podcast.