Oct 6 2017

I Am

I Know Who I Am In Truth

I was reading the notes I made while listening to a recorded talk by Paul Selig this morning.  He mentioned during his talk that he used a mantra to help him focus when he channels.  The mantra starts with “I know who I am in Truth ….”  I also noted him mentioning that it’s important to know between what you know and what you think by knowing how it feels when you know that you know and when you think that you know.  This intrigued me so I asked myself the question do I know who I am in truth?  The quick answer came back is hell no.  Is that true?  Which part of me answered that question?  It is the thinking me, my ego, that doesn’t know who I am in truth.  When I switch to my heart centre and check in with my knowing I felt that I do know who I am in truth.  I pay attention to my whole being I feel solid when I know.

By now I’m hooked so I use that as the opening into my meditation this morning.  I started going through the sequence of atuning to 28, opening my thymus point, relaxing, blanking my mind etc….  As I drop deeper and deeper into meditation, the noise around me became more distant.  I could still hear the subway trains going by and people moving around in the house, but the noises seem far away.  I could sense my own energy field swirling around me intensely rampling up.  The Arcturians came to me last night and gave me a message that felt off.  I want to know what was off.  Was it because I didn’t like what I heard or was it because the source of the message was questionable?  To find that out I need to know what knowing feels like to me because within me I know that answer.  I went deep within to connect with my higer self.  The deeper I went the more I felt the connection between my heart and my head strong and there is very little random fleeting thoughts.  It’s as if my head is only interested in the communication from the heart.  I know who I am in truth.  I know that I AM in truth.  I have no words to express who I am in truth.  I know that I know and I know what knowing feels like.